Well, how to start off? It might be a good idea to write something about why we're here. It is running that unites us. In the spirit and also now when reading this first magazine entry. The motivation for running is different for everyone. Some do it because it makes them virgile and balanced. Elite runners run for PR's. Others run to be in shape. For the next, it's therapy. Let me put it this way: no matter what it is that makes a person become a runner. It's a good thing.
Running is not only about racing the classic road races, track races or trail races. It's much more. The best thing about running is that you can do it everywhere.
It doesn't matter if you live in a big city or near the mountains. You find nice spots to run in the nature and in the city as well. Your running playground is just around the corner.
There are thousand of possibilities to challenge yourself. You can go out and explore new routes. Or you can check out nearby hiking paths and create your own multiple day adventure. If you are looking for a tougher challenge there is the possibility to try a FKT (fastest known time). Supported or unsupported. It's your choice. It's a nice tool to explore new routes, trails or running loops and you get a real race feeling for yourself.
If you are a Strava runner you will find a lot of Strava Segments (records) nearby for sure. In small towns, in the nature and in the cities you could hunt some Segments to get a nice workout or even a good competition feeling. By the way, there is a RUN WTF Strava Club so maybe you might join our community and share your workouts with the Club.
You see there is a lot to explore. Go out and search for your challenge! Create your own running adventure for yourself and on your own or together with your friends. Running can be racing and going all out but it’s also a huge adventure. The only thing that matters is to enjoy yourself and take care. Have fun and always run true to yourself.
#beoutstanding and #runwtf
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